Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Well, I'm looking forward to this...

I decided I'd treat myself on Mother's Day to a batch of my favourite chocolate chip cookies. I also realized that I haven't had triple chocolate cookies since I was a teenager, due to the fact that dairy started being an issue for me around that time. Fortunately for me, I also realized that there are now passable (if not better than their dairy counterparts) dairy-free/vegan substitutes for milk and white chocolate.

So, today, I made up a batch of vegan white chocolate for use in what I'm hoping will be a fantastically delicious batch of triple-chocolate cookies on Sunday.

On a technical note, adding room-temperature ingredients to relatively hot cocoa butter causes the mixture to seize. To remedy the problem — as with seizing Hollandaise sauce — add a bit of cold water to the mix and whisk until it becomes smooth again.

Next day update: sadly, the white chocolate didn't set due to the addition of water. Mental note: wait for the cocoa butter to cool down before adding the remaining ingredients. Looks like these will be double chocolate cookies.

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